Friday, December 11, 2009

Hope finally graduated!

Hope finally got her Bachelor's degree from Troy University.

We arrived early to make sure we had a decent seat. 

Actually, we arrived very early.

So we just sat in the bleachers and waited.  I, of course, took photos to commemorate the event.

Here's the program.

Showing the date and time of the ceremony.

And there's her name:  Ashley Hope Lindsey!

Grace showed me Hope's name, too.

There it is, see?

Eventually the graduates came in.  Do you see Hope?

Grace, here comes Hope!

Do you see her?  She's right there.

"Wh-air?  Wh-airs Hope?"  (Where?  Where's Hope?)

"Eye cant fine her!"  (I can't find her.)

I don't see her any more either.  She's somewhere out there in all those caps and gowns.

Ah, there she is. 

She's walking up to get her diploma.

And she got it!  HOORAY!

Here's the graduate with Dad.

Here she is with Mom and Dad.

And here she is with her big sister, me. 

Hope, I am so proud of the person you have become.  You are exceptionally talented. You are incredibly smart, outrageously funny and absolutely beautiful both inside and out. 

There are three more things to tell you:  1.)  I love you with all my heart.  2.)  I will always be there for you.  3.)  There is nothing you could ever do that will ever change numbers 1 and 2.

I love you baby Sis and CONGRATULATIONS!

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