Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pregnant dreams

They say that pregnant women have strange dreams.  Apparently this is true.

Last night I dreamed that David and I were traveling through small dirt tunnels underground.  For some odd reason, we believed it would be faster than driving above ground.  Um.  Okay I guess, but if you know me at all, you know two things.  I am claustrophobic so you won't willing catch me in small tunnels underground.  And I'm a neat freak.  So if I'm going to be anywhere near dirt, I will have a dustbuster in hand or a broom and dustpan at the minimum. Not sure why my brain isn't factoring this in.

Well, on with my dream.  Not only are David and I walking around in dirt tunnels.  But it's dark in these tunnels.  And there's something coming after us.  So we start to run.  We run faster and faster.  Then I see it.  It is big.  It's massive.  And it's pink with purple polka dots.  And big bulging eyeballs.

It was a worm. And it kinda looked like this.

Scary, I know.

Seriously, in my dream, David and I were terrified of this pink and purple monster.  And then it finally caught up with us.  We thought we were certainly going to be devoured.  Until I grabbed it by its big bulging eyeball, looked deep into its eyes...and invited it to a dinner party at our house. 

Like I said, pregnant women have crazy dreams.  Although I never dreamed anything like this with Grace.  Sigh.  I wonder what it means.  Maybe I'm having a really imaginative baby.  Or maybe it's a boy.  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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