Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grace bit her tongue

I let Grace play with my costume jewelry at my vanity all the time.  Today when she was playing, she leaned over too far and fell out of the chair.  My heart stopped beating as I saw her fall. 
I rushed over to her and asked if she was okay.  She stopped crying and said, "I oh-tay, Momma.  My mowf is dur-dee."  (I'm okay, Momma.  My mouth is dirty.)  Poor thing was tasting blood.  I was terrified she had knocked a tooth out or something, but she just had the two small holes in her tongue.
Knowing there isn't much a doctor can do for a bitten tongue, I carried her downstairs and gave her a popsicle to help stop the bleeding.  And it worked incredibly well.  Grace was happy to get a treat and I was happy to stop the blood flow. 

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