Sunday, February 28, 2010

There's a bug going around

The guys weekend ended Saturday, so Grace and I came home after we all ate dinner at Olive Garden.  Grace has had a runny nose for a couple of days now.  We assumed it was allergies since David's allergies have been bothering him.  This morning, however, she woke up with a bad cough and said her tummy hurt, so we decided to take her to the walk-in clinic.  In addition, David felt like his allergies had turned into a sinus infection and was moving into his chest, so he decided to go to the clinic as well.

Apparently, there are a lot of sick people right now.  We waited at the clinic for over 2 hours before seeing a doctor.  It turns out Grace has an ear infection along with her cough, so she is now on antibiotics and a prescription strength decongestant.

The doctor listened to David breathe and then ordered a chest x-ray for him.  Turns out, he has a small case of pneumonia.  It's a good thing we had him checked out!  Hopefully, with both David and Grace on antibiotics, they'll get better soon.  In the meantime, we plan to stay close to home and drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest.  Keep us in your prayers!

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