Saturday, March 6, 2010

Conversations over dinner

David surprised us by bringing home a brand new grill Friday!

It's perfect for our patio.
And then he grilled burgers for dinner Saturday.  He's a great grill master!
While he was grilling away, I chopped up onions and tomatoes.
And roasted some squash, onions, and zucchini.
Grace snacked on the tomatoes while she waited for her food.  She loves tomatoes. 
Soon dinner was ready and it was soooo good!
Even Grace ate most of her burger.
Then she surprised me by saying, "Yook at me, Momma.  I fap my weens!"  (Look at me, Momma.  I flap my wings!)
And she looked so disappointed when she said, "I tant do it.  I tant fie."  (I can't do it.  I can't fly.)
That's okay.  I can't fly either.
Unless I'm in an airplane, of course. 


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