Friday, May 28, 2010

An exciting day at the pier

Since we may have oil hitting our shores in the next few weeks, we decided to go fishing before the oil hits.  
While David was fishing, Grace decided she wanted to swap sunglasses with me.
How silly do I look wearing her Dora sunglasses?  
Soon a fish took the bait so we let Grace reel it in.  She didn't want to touch the fish, but was happy to get the pliers for us.
She wouldn't go any closer to that croaker.  I think his "croaking" scared her a bit.
We noticed five different alligators out by the pier.  That's the most we've ever seen out there at one time.  The pier was crowded closer to sunset.  Some were new neighbors and others were visiting some of our longtime neighbors.  Several had never seen alligators that close before.  David, the kind man he is, changed one of his hooks out for a bobber and teased a gator right next to the pier so they could see him even closer.  The out-of-staters couldn't take enough pictures.  They really enjoyed it.
It certainly was an exciting day at the pier.  We met new neighbors, saw the gators, caught a few fish, and spent a lovely evening together as a family. 

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