Saturday, April 10, 2010

The sunset of date number three

After the great entertainment at the restaurant, we headed home for an early evening.  When we got home I noticed that our lemon tree had even more blossoms blooming, so of course I had to take some pictures of them.
I love this picture.  Do you notice the little stem that is yellow on top, pinkish-purple in the middle, and green at the bottom?  That's a teeny tiny baby lemon!
Like I said earlier, there are many flowers that have opened up.  I wish you could breathe in the fragrant aroma coming from our balcony.  You can smell it all the way up the stairs.  It's heavenly and I just can't seem to get enough of it!
I'm so excited that there are literally have scores of more blooms just waiting to burst open!
But of all the pictures I've taken of our lemon tree, this is by far my favorite.  I caught it just as the sun was starting to lower in the sky.  I'm enthralled with the way the light is streaming through the petals.  I'm thinking of framing this one...

After a few moments, I headed inside to share a glass of wine (okay grape juice in wine glasses, but I can pretend right?) with my gorgeous and wonderful husband as we went upstairs to watch the sunset together.  We snuggled on our swing off our master bedroom and watched as the sky changed colors.  And we talked about how much we enjoyed our weekend together.  And how even though it was wonderful having some alone time, we both really missed Grace.  Home just doesn't seem the same without her.
The sunset was beautifully spectacular.
But sharing it with my husband made it even more enchanting. 

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