Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Joke

Today is April Fool's Day and for some reason I really enjoy this holiday.  Last year, I posted an unexpected surprise and had just about everyone convinced that I was pregnant with twins.  This year I seriously contemplated mailing out fake IRS audits to all my friends and family - particularly those of you who read my blog.  However, I was afraid that too many of you would fall for it and would let out more than a few explexitives.  Not too mention it really might send a couple of you completely over the edge.  So I have refrained. 

But it was an ingenious idea.  And I have taken great pleasure in imagining how each of you would react if I had instigated this tiny prank.  You see, I have a very vivid imagination.  I can see the sometimes red and sometimes pale faces, hear the cursing, and feel the high tension and racing heartbeats.    With my imagination, just predicting the responses is almost as fun at the actual responses would have been.  And no doubt, my imagination is much safer...

For example, my uncle T most definitely would have let out a few choice explexitives.  In fact, he'd probably would let out more than a few.  He might have uninvited me to his son's wedding.

My dad would have totally bought into it and would have called the 800 number repeatedly arguing with the poor sap on the line about the letter he received.  Then he'd stress my mom out insisting she find all the paperwork.

More than one of my friends would have simply been stunned.  And worried.  And dreading the upcoming visit or telephone call.  Some would have cried.  Others would have yelled.  One or two would have been unsure of what to do - probably praying that the year in question was one of the more honorable years.  No doubt I would have received a gamut of responses.

In fact, I have laughed out loud and giggled to myself more than I care to admit just thinking about all the different reactions I could have had.  But because I didn't want to send anyone into anxiety attacks, cause a lot of cursing, or induce a nervous breakdown, I have thus refrained myself.  This year.  Next year I might not be able to contain the impulse to wreak a wee bit of havoc among you.  So beware!  And Happy (jokeless) April Fool's Day 2011.

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