Monday, March 14, 2011

A visit to Grace's pediatrician

I kept Grace home from school today.
And Grace slept most of the day on the couch.  But then this afternoon she started running a fever.  Of 102.7 and 102.9 with Tylenol and Advil.  So I called Grace's pediatrician and they worked her in for an appointment this afternoon.  We explained to her how Grace has fallen every day for the last several days.  She fell Friday and got the boo-boo on her head.  Then again Saturday at the Fairhope pier during a birthday party.  After which she skinned her knees Saturday afternoon during our picnic at the park.  And finally she had that horrible fall Sunday that knocked her tooth around.  Needless to say, we are very concerned about her balance and coordination.  And to top it off, she's got a high fever.

Grace just finished a round of Cefdinir (Omnicef) antibiotics that was supposed to clear up the infection in her right ear.  But when Dr. McNair checked out her ear, the infection was worse than it was last week when she started the antibiotic.  And her other ear was starting to get infected, too.  She ran a flu test which came back negative and then did some blood work.  Her counts were fine.  So she suggested that we go back to the ENT as soon as possible.  The fever could be related to her ears.  And her coordination probably was, too.

It looks like Grace has ear tubes in her future after all.

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