Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our girls go to the pediatrician

Today Faith had her 2 month checkup.
She weighed 10 pounds 14 ounces putting her in the 75 percentile for her weight.
Grace had her 3 year checkup at the same time.  She did not want to get on that scale.  The nurse had to pick her up and set her on it.  I can't blame Grace though, I hate getting on the scales, too.
Grace weighed 32 pounds which puts her in the 60 percentile for her weight.
And Grace is 38 1/2 inches tall!  I can't believe my baby is over 3 feet tall already!  She's taller than 80 percent of the other little girls her age.
Faith is 23 3/4 inches long.  She's longer than 90 percent of the other baby girls her age.
Grace got her head measured, too.
And her blood pressure checked for the first time.  Her bp was 82 over 54.  I thought that was really low but the nurse said it was great for her age.
I was surprised that Grace was so calm getting her blood pressure monitored.
Here's our little family all together for the girls' checkups.
When it was time for Faith's exam, Grace wanted to stand on her Daddy's lap to watch.
As always, Faith was excellent.  No fussing at all.  She's such a happy baby girl.
Then it was Grace's turn to be examined.  Grace really liked her reflex exam.  I can just see her now running all over the house trying to knock me in my kneecap so my leg will jump... 
Mammee was so sweet to feed Faith while I took pictures of Grace's big girl exam.
Then it was time for Grace's flu vaccination.  We told her to "smell the flowers" and she sniffed really well.
She didn't like it at all though.  And she didn't buy the flowers scam a bit when it came to squirting it up her other nostril.  But she got a good dose of it anyway.
Then Faith had to get her shots.  Poor baby.  She had 3 of them today.  But soon it was over and we were able to leave.  Grace has a followup visit next month for a second dose of the flu flowers.  Faith has her 4 month checkup in November.

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